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So far Service 2Client has created 350 blog entries.

How Increased Tariffs on Chinese Goods Will Impact Market Earnings

With the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announcing the increase of tariffs on imported Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of goods, and a directive from the executive branch to increase tariffs on an additional $300 billion in Chinese goods, how will publicly traded companies’ earnings be impacted?According [...]

By |2019-07-01T12:00:03-06:00July 1st, 2019|

How to Define and Calculate a Break-Even Analysis

According to data from a U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy report from August 2018, businesses have varied longevity.Nearly 80 percent (79.8 percent) of business startups in 2016 lasted until 2017. Between 2005 and 2017, the SBA mentions that 78.6 of new businesses lasted 12 months. Similarly, nearly 50 percent lasted at least five [...]

By |2019-07-01T12:00:02-06:00July 1st, 2019|

Financial Tips for Recent College Graduates

Members of the college graduating class of 2017 owed an average of close to $30,000 each in student loan debt. Imagine starting out adult life with that kind of debt load?The prevalence of this type of mounting debt for a 21- or 22-year-old is unprecedented in U.S. history – and all the more reason why [...]

By |2019-07-01T12:00:01-06:00July 1st, 2019|

Best Road Trips on a Budget

Summer is here and it’s time for getting out of town. However, you don’t want to set off on the open road without a plan. While there are an endless number of places to visit across the United States, here are a few road trips that are filled with natural parks, mountains and beaches, all [...]

By |2019-06-01T12:00:07-06:00June 1st, 2019|

Small Business Survey: How Are Today’s SMBs Using Technology?

One way to reduce the overhead associated with hiring workers is to make efficient use of technology. According to a recent survey by CompTIA, 73 percent of midsize businesses and 56 percent of firms with fewer than 20 employees say technology is a primary factor in pursuing their business objectives.BudgetingAccording to the 4Q 2018 survey, [...]

By |2019-06-01T12:00:06-06:00June 1st, 2019|
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